Stage 2: Draft Writing the first draft should be a stage of play , discovery and freedom. Sometimes that's where we get stuck the most. "This comes from wanting to do it right the first time," says Aniko. In the writing of the first draft, only the child-artist should appear , not the adult-editor. At this stage it does not matter if the ideas are not clear or if the text does not make sense. The important thing is to put words. Free: 7 writing exercises to overcome the blank page 3 Knowing the stages of the writing process will help you write regularly.
Stage 3: Rewrite The rewrite stage is the longest of all. For the writer, writing is always rewriting. Here begins the magic of writing. It is Real Estate Photo Editing better to take a step back from the draft (allow time for ideas to settle) because the goal of this stage is to improve the draft . This is where the text grows. Stage 4: Editing and correction When we already feel that we cannot improve the text on our own, it is time to give the text to another professional person - an editor usually - to read it and review the more technical issues, such as grammatical and style correction.
Stage 5: Publication This stage is not mandatory. Here the process is no longer under your control. We have to drop the text since we don't know how it will be received. 7 creative writing exercises Having seen the stages of the writing process, Aniko Villalba then proposes seven exercises with ideas to train your creative writing in this practical resource. Free: 7 writing exercises to overcome the blank page 5 This is what one of the ideas looks like to practice creative writing and overcome the blank page.