Qually alarming is the financing and support of international organizations such as the International Finance Corporation, an entity of the World Bank Last Database Group.Last but not least, the Last Database use of so-called "revolving doors" stands out: the transfer of members of the elite to the public sector (such as ministers or candidates), as well as the recruitment of former public officials with knowledge specialized contracted by private companies. The case of the aforementioned David Castillo is instructive: an Last Database engineer graduated from the West Point Military.
Academy in the United States, a second lieutenant in Last Database Military Intelligence in the Honduran Armed Forces and a Management Control coordinator at the National Electric Power Company (ENEE), Castillo he used this Last Database experience (and the contacts associated with it) to migrate to the private sector. This is how he managed to become the executive president of DESA, a position he held when Cáceres Last Database was assassinated. The murder of Cáceres is sobering. He has shown that the Honduran elites are used to acting without any institutional mediation and without democratic control. These economic elites have historically shaped the state so that institutions are weak, malleable and easy to co-opt. Willing to defend their interests, they put on and remove presidents without batting an eyelid.
In addition, they have a range of resources that make them an Last Database extremely powerful actor: money, information, access to the media and control over political parties. This allows them to deploy all kinds of violence and guarantee impunity. The organized and mobilized society must Last Database demand a State that restricts the influence of the elites through these anti-democratic resources, as well as the determination of the legality and legitimacy of their origin. Only in this way can Last Database democratic solutions be guaranteed for the problems that afflict us and that this history does not continue to repeat itself with increasing frequency.